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Sustainable Printing Solutions: Proud to Partner with PrintReleaf

At RDS, environmental stewardship is more than just a buzzword—it’s a core part of our business ethos. As part of our commitment to sustainability, we proudly participate in various Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives, with PrintReleaf taking centre stage.

We currently work with many clients on implementing PrintReaf into their business model, so far with the help of our clients we have offset 13,864,179 standard pages and reforested 1,664 standard trees!

PrintReleaf: A Sustainable Solution

PrintReleaf is integral to our ESG efforts, offering a tangible way to offset paper consumption by reforesting areas in need. Also Partnering with the largest global print management software vendor, PaperCut, and their PaperCutGrows initiative, we’re aligned in our mission to drive reforestation goals worldwide.

It operates on a simple yet powerful concept: for every paper consumed, an equivalent number of trees are planted in reforestation projects around the world. This ensures that as you print, you actively replant trees in forests.

NetZero Pledge: Leading the Charge

Our NetZero Pledge stands as a testament to our unwavering dedication to environmental responsibility. By clicking here, you can delve deeper into our comprehensive approach to reducing carbon emissions across all facets of our operations.

How can PrintReleaf benefit my business?

Environmental Impact

With PrintReleaf, you’re able to actively contribute to global reforestation efforts, mitigating deforestation and its associated environmental consequences.

Corporate Social Responsibility

PrintReleaf allows companies to align their printing practices with their corporate social responsibility (CSR) goals, demonstrating a commitment to sustainability.

Transparency and Accountability

The software provides transparency into the reforestation process, meaning you’re able to track and verify the trees planted as a result of your paper consumption.


Contrary to common misconceptions, implementing sustainable practices like PrintReleaf can lead to cost savings in the long run. By optimising printing practices and reducing paper waste, businesses can lower their overall printing expenses.

Employee Engagement

Sustainability initiatives like PrintReleaf often resonate with employees, fostering a sense of pride and engagement within the workforce.

Ensure your Technology Operates with Sustainability at its Heart

From sourcing recycled laptops to extending the lifespan of printing and copying equipment, sustainability lies at the heart of everything we do. Join us in our mission to protect and preserve our planet for generations to come. To learn more about how you can integrate PrintReleaf into your printing practices or about our other sustainable solutions, get in touch with our team today.