020 7466 4700
Tech Check

Cleaver Fulton Rankin

Cost savings of 25.65% against existing costs and the added benefit of improved hardware and enhanced workflow, process, security and a proposed reduction in co2 of 57%.

The Summary

Cleaver Fulton Rankin is a law firm that operates out of Belfast as one of Northern Ireland’s leading commercial law firms and a member of LawNet.

The team have expertise in a variety of topics such as data protection, planning, legal technology and environment and public procurement. As well as their legal professionals, the commercial law firm also includes marketing, HR, IT, accounting professionals and business support teams – each of which playing a key strategic role in the development of Cleaver Fulton Rankin’s services and growth of the business.

Clever Fulton Rankin engaged with Right Digital Solutions about upgrading their technology to better support a flexible working model. Their infrastructure didn’t meet current business requirements and was costly and prohibitive whilst restricting the team’s ability to work remotely and effectively.

Their print setup was made up of a fleet of 17 devices, all of which had different drivers and consumables. The user experience of each device was disjointed with no access controls in place or analytics. This was a particular concern for Cleaver Fulton Rankin, who have a strong internal focus on innovation, security, and sustainability.

Like most organisations pre the 2020 global pandemic, Cleaver Fulton Rankin’s had a very traditional phone set-up. Their landlines were on-premises with a physical handset on every desk accompanied by a slow, yet expensive 100mb lease line. Most of the team also possessed a business mobile in addition to their DDI but the contract was inflexible and increasing their mobile phone estate was expensive. This led to challenges with staff working remotely and created complexities communicating with staff and clients when not in office.

In addition, Cleaver Fulton Rankin have multiple KPIs and business metrics that need to be reported to the board. The process involved multiple data streams, creating complexity and challenges in its collation but more so the ability to simplify the data into a user friendly format. This limited the overall breadth of review and provided minimal insights into the firms performance, creating significant internal challenges in its collation and reporting.

The Solution

After an initial consultation it was decided that the pro-ject should be split into three main areas – Managed Print, Manged Communication and Manged Data-Insight.

Managed Print

The project scope was simple: we aimed to reduce costs and the number of devices and improve sustainability and security. RDS also wanted to consolidate all devices into one single managed service, improved analytics and insights and removal and cleanse of all existing devices.
The solution resulted in a uniformed fleet of devices from a lead-ing global manufacturer and rationalisation of 17 devices down to 7. RDS also installed print management software to provide se-cure release print by using card swipe authentication – which also resulted in better security overall, and improvements in sustaina-bility and control.
The print solution was supported by the RDS managed service that included automation of toner replenishment and live status reporting of devices, significantly improving uptime and the return to service time with a fully Managed Service.

Managed Communication

RDS replaced the on-premises system with a fully hosted and managed phone system that was deployed on all users’ laptops. The new system had 88 connections (84 for the team members and 4 for meeting rooms and break-out spaces). Scalability is a winning feature of the new solution because adding and removing users is straightforward and can be done almost instantly.
Transferring calls is simple, using drag and drop and call record-ing has also been installed. Holding messages and advertise-ments can now be recorded and deployed, providing a more pro-fessional experience for the caller. This provided the customer with a uniformed experience across laptops and mobile devices, irrelevant of location ensuring a seamless experience to both cli-ents and colleagues.
Their slow lease line was also replaced with a much cheaper alter-native that is up to three times quicker than before, further en-hancing their technology infrastructure and bandwidth capability.

Managed Data-Insight

RDS were able to unify all the different business critical data by creating a custom-built Microsoft Power BI Dashboard.
The data dashboard provides data visualisation by layering infor-mation from several different sources enabling Cleaver Fulton Rankin to drill down into the relevant practice insights to identify trends and make strategic business decisions and business per-formance.
Reporting on individual or practice wide performance in real time is as simple as clicking a button with dynamic visuals. This pro-vides live insights into the current performance of fee earners and the firm with the ability to develop the system as the business evolves. Cleaver Fulton Rankin now have a more flexible, sustain-able and insight driven solution from a Managed Service Provider.

The Benefits

  1. 1Deployment of new and improved fleet - We provided a standardised fleet of Ricoh devices to offer a streamlined experience across both the driver and device interface, minimising consumables, drivers and training.
  2. 2Cost savings - Cost savings of 25.65% against existing costs and the added benefit of improved hardware and enhanced work-flow, process and sustainability. The new phone system and faster lease line were installed on a cost neutral basis with predicted cost savings to be delivered within 12 months.
  3. 3Flexible Working - Users are now more contactable and can now make, receive and transfer calls from anywhere, supporting the firms flexible working policy and improving the overall client experience.
  4. 4Secure print facility across all locations - With the deployment of Papercut MF, users have the ability to print and collect from any MFD in the fleet, irrelevant of location - typically seeing a reduction in volume of be-tween 10-20%.
  5. 5Sustainable Impact - A proposed reduction in co2 of 57% and kWh by 77.6% - aligning with the brand’s CSR policy and environmental focus.
  6. 6Ongoing support - Right Digital Solutions offers a commitment to support and service in relation to all hardware and software throughout the contract term as the preferred supplier to LawNet.
  7. 7Innovation - Developing a future-proofed system where possible whilst keeping costs low, helping staff to become more efficient whilst supporting Cleaver Fulton Rankin with their environmental objectives.
  8. 8Data Driven Insight - Full transparency over how fee earners are performing against their KPIs delivering better busi-ness insight and identifying trends. In addition, all aspects of the Managed Print solution can now be reported upon, providing critical insights to how the business and its staff consume print, copy & scan.
We found the approach by RDS perfectly suited our business, they took the time to consult, design and deliver a perfect print and Power BI solution that enables all of our staff to work smarter and save time. Cleaver Fulton Rankin