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Tech Check

Act Now: Windows 10 End of Life in 2025

Microsoft recently announced the end of active support for Windows 10 by 14th October, 2025. The statement from the company reads:

“Windows 10 will reach end of support on October 14, 2025. The current version, 22H2, will be the final version of Windows 10, and all editions will remain in support with monthly security update releases through that date.”

But what does this mean for users and what will happen to PCs still using Windows 10? Let’s delve into the implications and why your business should consider upgrading.

Security Risks

The key concern here is security. After the 14th of October 2025, anyone will still be able to use Windows 10 however there won’t be any further updates to the software, particularly around security. As technology advances, so do the tactics of cyber attackers. Without regular updates and security patches, Windows 10 users will essentially be operating on outdated software. Using outdated software leaves users vulnerable to emerging cyber threats and potential system vulnerabilities, posing significant risks to data security and privacy.

Should I switch to Windows 11 or wait for Windows 12?

So, what are the options for Windows 10 users facing this dilemma? The obvious choice seems to be upgrading to Windows 11, the latest iteration of Microsoft’s operating system. Windows 11 promises enhanced security features, improved performance, and a sleek user interface designed to meet the demands of modern computing.

However, some users might be hesitant to make the leap to Windows 11, especially considering the inevitable bugs and compatibility issues that often occur with new software releases. Additionally, there’s the question of timing—should users upgrade now or wait until Windows 12 is released?

Ultimately, the decision comes down to individual business circumstances and risk tolerance. For those who prioritise security and are willing to navigate potential teething problems, upgrading to Windows 11 sooner rather than later may be the best course of action for your business.

How can RDS help?

By partnering with RDS, you can ensure a seamless transition to updated software and receive ongoing support to address any challenges that arise.

Get in touch with us today or take our Tech Check which assesses your current technology architecture across 10 key areas with a detailed consultation that follows where we tell you the best way to tackle your IT challenges.